PS4 games for subscribers are here –

Sony has announced the update PlayStation now Off March 2022 So i PS4 Games Available in streaming or locally to service subscribers on PS5, PS4 and PC.

Games for PlayStation Now, March 2022

  • Shadow Warrior3
  • Crisis Remastered
  • Relicta
  • Chicken Police – Red!

The protagonist of today’s review, Shadow Warrior 3, is the new episode of the shooting series created by the Flying Wild Hawk, which marks the return to ownership after the non-linear and co-op trials of the second episode.

Crysis Remastered (Review) is a redesigned version of the popular Crytech shooter that will face an entire army on a remote island, with a powerful nano-suit and a large arsenal of various weapons.

There is Relicta Physics based first-person puzzle game in which you need to creatively combine magnetism and gravity to unravel the secrets of the lunar base. It is only your scientific mindset that will keep your daughter alive, in the depths of the moon, without anyone’s help.

In the end, Chicken Police – Red! A visual novel that tells the story of Sony Fearland and Marty Mexican, once a strong detective and now a little out of mercy, but absolutely determined to make a name for himself by concluding a tough new case.

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Veronica Tucker

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