Rune. Create a mobile vaccination team in Rhone

Starting May 27, the Covid-19 mobile vaccination team will head to the Rhone municipalities farthest from the health centers, to provide people over the age of 50 with their first injections of the Moderna vaccine, according to a press release from the Rhone administration.

In order to accelerate the vaccination campaign against Covid-19 and allow all Rhone residents to protect themselves from this virus, ARS Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, District, Rhone Department, Health Insurance and Northwest Hospital will establish a mobile vaccination team in the province.

The device will be installed for a period of two days in seven municipalities in the Rhône region.

Three health professionals – provided by ARS – will have 70 to 80 doses of Moderna vaccine available to them per day. As with the Pfizer vaccine, Moderna uses messenger RNA and has an efficiency ratio of 94 to 95% (Sources: ARS Île-de-France, April 21, 2021).

Three administrative agents will be present – provided by the district – to welcome the public, fill out medical files, present a vaccination certificate, and schedule a second injection.

This process is intended for people over 50 years of age who receive their first injection, preferring to enroll isolated groups or those with mobility difficulties.

The Rhone department, which coordinates this process, has offered seven municipalities to host the mobile team in order to ensure a truly local show.

These municipalities will be responsible for liaising with neighboring municipalities and creating a list of priority people and volunteers for vaccination; Providing a room equipped in accordance with the health protocol to receive those who wish to be vaccinated.

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The vaccination hours are 9 AM to 1 PM and 2 PM to 6 PM.

Registration is made directly with the municipalities concerned.

Even if it is not in the list below, your municipality may still be eligible to receive the device. If you live in a nearby village, you can also register. Find out more directly by contacting one of the seven pilot municipalities.

The press release concluded that through this process the Rune Circle confirms itself more than ever before as an essential local player in the service of all the inhabitants of its territory.

Who can register and when?

Dox Grossens : 1Return Injections on May 27 and 28, 2e Injections in the week of July 5.

Julie Attached Municipalities: Cenves, Julianas and Chinas, 1Return Injection 1he is And June 2, 2e Injections in the week of July 13.

Foxrenard Attached Communities: Emeringes, Fleurie and Chiroubles, 1Return Injections on June 3 and 4, 2e Injections in the week of July 13.

San Agni de Viers Attached municipalities: Azolette, Saint-Clément-de-Vers, Prospières, Saint-Bonnet-des-Bruyères and Aigueperse, 1Return Injections on June 8 and 9, 2e Injections in the week of July 20.

Lamour sur Zarzis Attached municipalities: Claveisolles, Saint-Nizier, Grandris, Chambost-Allières, Saint-Cyr-le-Châtoux, Vaux-en-Beaujolais, Le Perréon, Chénelette, Poule-les-Écharmeaux and RanchalReturn Injections on June 10 and 11, 2e Injections in the week of July 20.

Cubing Attached Municipalities: Ronno, Meaux-la-Montagne, Saint-Vincent-de-Reins, Saint-Bonnet-le-Troncy, 1Return Injections on June 15 and 16, 2e Injections in the week of July 27.

Felishinev Attached Municipalities: Avox, Montroterrier, Longsini, Champsest Longicini and Saint-Jean-La Bossier, 1Return Injections on June 17th and 18th, 2e Injections in the week of July 27.

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Brooke Vargas

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