The first Olympics in the Metaverse

In October, the first Metaverse Olympics will be held, the ambitious new educational project of Itaca, the network startup FMTS Group, the leader in the development of…

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On October 1st Metaverse OlympicsItaka's ambitious new educational project, Launching from the leading FMTS Group network In the development of educational content in virtual reality, sponsored by the Campania region. “Be your own champion” is the slogan chosen for this unique challenge: it is more than just a game, and promises to be a learning experience capable of training while playing by utilizing the talents of the participants.

The Olympics is unique, Providing Italian high school students with the opportunity to compete in three subjects : Natural sciences, physics and English. But there is more. The Olympics will showcase the inclusive value of the Metaverse, providing young people with the freedom to be themselves, strong in their knowledge, skills and showcase abilities. On October 30, 2024, the 15-year-old Via Leonardo Da Vinci headquarters will be launched in Pontecagnano Faiano (Salerno, Campania). Using virtual reality headsets, combined with ITACA learning modules, students will experience an immersive and engaging learning experience, able to combine traditionally designed learning with technology in a unique and innovative format.

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The tests are distributed as follows: For the natural sciences, students will take them A test that will test their understanding of scientific principles The basics through theoretical and applied questions. For physics, they will have to solve problems and apply the laws of physics through virtual simulations; The English test consists of a test of English language comprehension and communication skills, with multiple choice tests on different topics. Each test will take 5 minutes, and during these 300 seconds, students will have to demonstrate their skills and abilities in a highly immersive virtual reality environment.

This event is open to everyone Italian public secondary schools ; Each institution will be able to apply to form a team of two students preferably enrolled in the final year of the 2024/25 academic year, selected for their preparation and skills. Schools will be divided into groups. Students will first take individual tests: in practice, one student, previously assigned by the school, will take the Natural Sciences test, and at the same time, the other assigned student will take the Physics test; At the end of the five minutes, the two students will take the English test together. Once the tests are completed, the overall score will be given to the school. The winning schools from the different groups will compete against each other according to the same arrangements planned for the group stage. Ultimately, the ranking will be determined.

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Frank Mccarthy

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