Touching moon dust across France this weekend? Find out where this will be possible

In no less than 400 locations in France, telescopes will be made available to the public to observe the great moon night, on Saturday, June 15 and Sunday, June 16, from 9:30 p.m.

On Saturday, June 15 and Sunday, June 16, the French Astronomical Society gives you the opportunity to observe the Moon as you have never seen it before. Across France, telescopes will be placed on 400 observation sites for the occasion.

During these two evenings, the French Astronomical Society offers to look at the Moon when only its first quarter is illuminated by the Sun. He explains that during this stage, his observation will actually be richer than when it is fully illuminated as we only see color differences. While when the moon is crescent, it will also be possible to see its patterns. To benefit from it, it is not necessary to move away from cities to escape light pollution.

Lunar dust

To see this spectacle, the curious will have to wait until 9:30 pm, after which they will be able to enjoy the moon for at least three hours. To find out where the nearest telescope to you is located, On the moon again He has listed the different places to observe the satellite in an available interactive map By clicking here.

In addition to seeing the moon, it will also be possible to touch it. Indeed, lunar dust will be made available to the public. This was initially on the surface of the satellite, and comes from lunar meteorites that reach Earth,

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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