Valheim can be played in VR thanks to a mod

Valheim is a PC survival game right now. Released in early February on Early access Certainly steam, 1 million copies were sold per week, and now over six million copies are sold. The game is successful, development is ongoing, however Fans go further.

Brandon Musso, a fan ValhaimIn fact, it was recently published VHVR, a modern Amateurs allowing Valheim to play in virtual reality on the computer. The modern At the beta stage, it is only about the camera at the moment, You have to play it seated with keyboard and mouse, but the developer is already working on support Motion control To play with consoles VR. The title is clearly moving from the third-person to the first-person experience, with an emphasis more on the game’s rudimentary graphics. It is still possible to play with your friends in a multiplayer game even if they don’t have them. Mod VR Installed.

VHVR You can try it for free at NexusModsAnd Valhaim Only available at steam In early arrival, you can find Computers the games Certainly Amazon.

Also read: Unusual: Valheim, the Eiffel Tower is built with 40,000 blocks

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