Very complex malware infiltrates phones masquerading as a system update

Android: a flaw that exposes user data and banking passwords – Gecko

Researchers Electronic security Zimperium warn of a new, particularly sophisticated malware spreading on the Internet
Male in appearance. The latter was actually passed on to
Update A system to steal its victims and spread to their smartphones. Once installed, the malware can take full control of the device and steal the personal data of its victims.

The Malware Hides in app APK files. These are files that allow you to enjoy paid apps for free or that aren’t available in your geographic area. Many online stores list this type of file. Some Android smartphone owners resort to APK files because their device is too old and cannot take advantage of this or that app.

Unfortunately, in addition to tampering with legality, these files often contain malicious code. APK files are actually a great way for hackers to infiltrate smartphones since most online stores either do not verify the files’ reliability or are unable to do so properly.

Malware is spreading across Android and pretending to be an update – Geeko
Credit: Zimperium

And they are perfect

In this case, the application containing the malware displays a notification which is supposed to be coming from the smartphone operating system it is installed on. The notification prompts the user to install the system update and requires several permissions to do so. Unfortunately, the illusion is perfect, so malware often gets the permissions it needs to take full control of a smartphone and thus become a real spy.

The malware will actually be able to access the contacts and messages saved on the phone, as well as the various applications installed on it, the call history, its geolocation, the microphone and the various cameras of the smartphone. Hence, malware authors can track their victims and collect personal information without their knowledge.

For cybersecurity firm Zimperium CEO Shridhar Mittal, the malware in question is particularly complex. Its development has definitely taken a lot of time and effort.

To avoid this kind of nasty surprises, it is obviously advisable not to install APK files. Google also recommends that you only rely on the apps available on Play Store Which has preventive measures to counter malware hidden in specific applications.



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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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