Vic-en-Bigorre. Economic development: “we are out of the game”

The health context and deadlines for the municipal elections were among the strong signs of the past year; With its geographical proximity to implementing government decisions, the share of projects and commitments of local communities. If the term “decoration” is not pronounced during meetings or meetings (community council, press point), the case of the Adour-Madiran commune in the chapter “Economic Development” made President Frederick say re-“We are out of the game”; Vice President Robert Mizunoff’s comment was more specifically endorsed in charge of regional development, stating that it was not just about doing business but welcoming small businesses that wanted to work. In addition, with the community enrolled in the “Unemployed Free Zone” system, this is the obligation of CCAM (13% of the unemployed) on the economic and social level.

* Sale of plots of land. The arrival of a drilling and carpentry company in the La Herray area of ​​Vic. On the site of old technical buildings near Echez, metal joinery company for locks; As for the old Tujague enterprises, they were acquired by the “Le Relais-France” national association, a business integration firm (the installation was planned during the first half of this year).

At Andrest in the Bosquet area (structure – garage) and in Rabastens in the Porte de Bigorre (Aureilhan company), “There are no big companies but dynamic companies”

With corporate corporate support systems (OCCAL, a unique support fund in France to re-launch the territorial activity) in the district and management partnership, the Adour-Madiran commune community certainly welcomes, and beyond that facilitates incorporation.

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Tess Larson

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