Strange humming noise from laptop speakers

We tend to use Windows computers to listen to a lot of music or anything that has sound. It’s a great way to pass the time when we have a little work to do, but what happens when the speaker makes, you know, a strange noise or a high-pitched sound. Now, this should never be taken as normal, so if your computer is suffering from this problem, there is a technical malfunction that could be either software or hardware.

Strange sound coming from laptop speakers

Sound problems in Windows aren’t new, but what happens when your speaker makes a weird, weird, high-pitched sound that annoys you more than anything else?

If your Windows laptop speaker is making strange, high pitched, or humming sound, try these fixes to solve sound problems.

1]Update your audio driver

If this is a software issue, it likely has something to do with the audio driver. The latest version of Windows 10 might not work well with the old version of the driver. So, it’s time to upgrade to the latest version if that’s available.

First, you will need to press Windows Key + R to invoke the Run box. After that type devmgmt.msc in the box and press Enter to launch Device Manager. The next step is to go toAudio inputs and outputs‘, then right-click on the speakerphone or driver option.

Finally, click on Update driver software and then click on “Automatically searches for updated driver software. “

Strange sound problems coming from the speaker

If that doesn’t work, you’ll need to visit your computer manufacturer’s website and locate the support section where drivers and other software can be downloaded for your computer. You will need to know the make and model number of your computer to find the correct drivers.

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to fix: Windows audio distortion problems

2]Remove and reinstall the sound card

This is a good solution from personal but irrelevant experience. As you can see, I once had problems with my Wi-Fi where it always tends to disconnect. By disabling and re-enabling the WiFi card, I was always going back to my crazy web habits.

A similar procedure may fix the high-pitched sound issue from the speakers.

To run everything, click Windows Key + Run, type devmgmt.msc in the box, press Enter, and watch Device Manager start up. move towardsAudio, video and game controllersThen right-click sound card.

The near final step is to click on “Uninstall” and then check the box that says “Delete the driver software for this device. Close Device Manager, then restart your computer to move forward.

After rebooting, the system should automatically reinstall the amplifier. If not, follow the above procedure to return to Device Manager. Go to “Sound, video and game controllers” and then right-click on the sound card.

Here, just enable the sound card, restart your computer again, and from there everything should work as expected.

3]Check speaker hardware

If all else fails, there may be a problem with the speaker hardware itself, and the best way to solve this problem is to either fix it or buy a wired or wireless speaker system that works fine with your computer.

Point: More suggestions here for troubleshooting audio and audio related problems and issues.

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Hope something helps you!

Strange sound problems coming from the speaker

Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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